Starting in 2017, we began the process of transitioning a conventional farm into a no-till organic heirloom wheat farm
using regenerative agriculture practices.

1. Our goal is to grow nutrient-dense organic heirloom wheat.

2. Increase organic matter and improve soil biology

3. Rotationally graze cattle on cover crops to feed cattle efficiently while expanding soil life.

Check out our two-part journey to regenerative organic heirloom wheat on Youtube!

Holistic land management emphasizes a healthy ecosystem with soil biology at the forefront.

Our first priority is to grow healthy soil.

In 2019 we bought a John Deere 1560 no-till drill and seeds for a summer cover crop. In the fall, our first certified organic heirloom wheat seeds were planted and have performed beautifully. We did not fertilize, and our only input this year is grazing cattle. It is now mid-June, and we are waiting to harvest. We will give an update on our YouTube channel.

If you are interested in seeing our journey please watch our YouTube videos, where we are documenting each step of our process.

The wheat crop will follow the cover crop and grazing cattle.

A perfect symbiotic relationship.

Cattle graze cover crops.

Cover crops and cattle improve soil fertility.

Then nutrient-dense ORGANIC wheat grows producing



Glenn Rueffer

Mr. Rueffer is passionate about converting this farm into an organic system, and is no-till planting all the cover crops and wheat with his 1977 Ford tractor and a John Deere 1560 no-till drill. The learning curve is steep and slow, but we plan to keep trying and hope to someday make a difference.



Any farming enterprise must turn a profit to be sustainable. Recovering farmland can be costly but is necessary for those wanting to transition into regenerative agriculture. We hope by sharing out journey, we may help and inspire others wanting to change farming practices. We believe there are human health benefits and strong financial incentives for farmers converting to an organic regenerative farming system. American farmers need economic success more than ever!